Saturday, July 20, 2013

Honeyed Peach Yogurt Popsicles

When S and I went Cherry picking a few weekends ago, the orchard also had pick-your-own peaches. We figured we would grab some peaches as well, so we emptied our buckets of cherries into the cooler, and headed out into the peach groves. But then we realized we didn't know anything about peach picking. You want to eat them when they're soft, but should you pick soft ones? We felt some- they were all firm. So we stood in the shade of some peach trees and googled. It turns out you want semi-soft, tree ripened peaches. Apparently, if you pick them firm they will never ripen properly. So then we set off, feeling peaches as we went, plucking any soft, ripe ones we came across. 

Having already picked 11lbs of cherries, and not wanting to run out of fruit storage space in our little kitchen, we picked about 20 peaches, and then cut ourselves off. When we got home, I chopped and froze about half of them and turned the other half into peach-cherry galettes, peach crisps, and these lovely honeyed yogurt peach pops. 

The honeyed peach flavor is sweet,slightly floral, and delightful, it reminds me of the American south- of the honey bees, hovering around the warm, sun ripened, sweet peaches hanging on the drooping trees in the humid, still, hot summer air. It's a great flavor combination for the heatwave we've been experiencing in Manhattan. The tangy greek yogurt adds a lovely, creamy twist to the sweetness of the honeyed peaches. 

Honeyed Peach Yogurt Popsicles

1 1/2 C Greek Yogurt
4 Peaches
5 tbsp Honey

If you want to peel the peaches go ahead, I don't mind fruit skin so I didn't bother, and they make lovely pink spots of color in the popsicle. Chop 3 peaches and place in food processor along with 2 Tbsp honey, process until smooth.

In a separate bowl, add greek yogurt and remaining 3 tbsp honey and mix until honey is fully incorporated, add a spoonful or two of the peach puree to thin the yogurt a bit and mix again.

Chop remaining peach into small, bite sized pieces.

Fill your popsicles molds, alternating one scoop of yogurt mixture, a few pieces of peach, then a layer of peach puree, another scoop of yogurt mixture, some peach bits, some peach puree, etc. until popsicle mold is almost full (leave some room for expansion while freezing!), put on your lid and popsicle sticks, and freeze for at least 8 hours to allow yogurt to fully freeze. 

If you don't have popsicle molds, you can use an icecube tray- fill each compartment, cover with foil, and stick popsicle sticks or toothpicks through the foil. You can also do this with dixie cups. Makes about 6 Popsicles.

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